Biographical sketch of Gerardo Carpentieri
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Gerardo Carpentieri
E-mail: url: MSc Civil Engineering, University of Salerno, Italy, September 2011 (grade 110/110 cum laude). Thesis project: “Design-Oriented analysis methods for masonry structures in seismic areas: theoretical formulation and validation on experimental results”, Advisors: Enzo Martinelli (University of Salerno) and Matija Gams (ZAG - Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute). BSc Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Salerno, Italy, September 2008 (grade 110/110 cum laude), Thesis project: “Metodologie distruttive e non distruttive per la valutazione delle caratteristiche meccaniche del calcestruzzo (in italian)”, Advisors: Ciro Faella and Nicola Salerno (University of Salerno). PhD in Structural Engineering at the University of Salerno, Italy, March 2015, Thesis project: “On the mechanical modeling and the optimal design of tensegrity structures”, Advisors: Fernando Fraternali (University of Salerno) and Robert E. Skelton (University of California San Diego) |
Research |
Internship at Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) Department of the University of California San Diego, June 2015 – November 2015
Internship at the Department of Aerospace Engineering of the Texas A&M University (TAMU), College Station, November 2015 Internship at the Graduate Aerospace Laboratories of the California Institute of Technology, September 2012 - December 2012 Erasmus Placement at the ZAG - Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute, May 2011 - July 2011 FARB 2011, University of Salerno, “MULTISCALE MODELING OF INNOVATIVE NETWORK STRUCTURES” ("MODELLAZIONE MULTISCALA DI STRUTTURE "NETWORK" DI TIPO INNOVATIVO"), Period: 10/08/2011 – 10/08/2013, PI: Fernando Fraternali FARB 2012, University of Salerno, “INNOVATIVE STRUCTURES FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING”("STRUTTURE INNOVATIVE PER L'INGEGNERIA CIVILE"), Period: 2012 –2015, PI: Fernando Fraternali Conferences and Seminars COMPDYN 2015, 5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Crete Island, Greece, 25–27 May 2015. 42nd National congress of A.I.A.S. (Italian Association for Stress Analysis), Salerno, Italy, September 2013 International congress “Multi-scale modeling and characterization of innovative materials and structures”, Cetara (Sa), Italy, May 2013 Course “Analysis and Design of Tensegrity Structures (TS), 3CFU /3 ECTS, Prof. Robert E. Skelton - University of California at San Diego, Prof. Fernando Fraternali - University of Salerno, June 2012 Refereed Journal Publications R.E. Skelton, F. Fraternali, G. Carpentieri, A. Micheletti, Minimum mass design of tensegrity bridges with parametric architecture and multiscale complexity, Mechanics Research Communications, Volume 58, June 2014, Pages 124-132, ISSN 0093-6413, F. Fraternali, I. Farina, G. Carpentieri, A discrete-to-continuum approach to the curvatures of membrane networks and parametric surfaces, Mechanics Research Communications, Volume 56, March 2014, Pages 18-25, ISSN 0093-6413, A. Amendola, G. Carpentieri, M. de Oliveira, R.E. Skelton, F. Fraternali, Experimental investigation of the softening–stiffening response of tensegrity prisms under compressive loading, Composite Structures, Volume 117, November 2014, Pages 234-243, ISSN 0263-8223, F. Fraternali, B. Palazzo, G. Carpentieri, Multiaxial prestress of reinforced concrete I-beams, International Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Volume 1, January 2014, Pages 17-30, ISSN 0393-1420. G. Carpentieri, F. Tornabene, L. Ascione, F. Fraternali, An accurate one-dimensional theory for the dynamics of laminated composite curved beams, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 336, 3 February 2015, Pages 96-105, ISSN 0022-460X, F. Fraternali, G. Carpentieri, A. Amendola, On the mechanical modeling of the extreme softening/stiffening response of axially loaded tensegrity prisms, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Volume 74, January 2015, Pages 136-157, ISSN 0022-5096, F. Fraternali, G. Carpentieri, On the correspondence between 2D force networks, tensegrity structures and polyhedral stress functions, International Journal of Space Structures, Volume 29, October 2014, Pages 145-159, ISSN 0266-3511. F. Fraternali, G. Carpentieri, A. Amendola, R.E. Skelton, V.F. Nesterenko, Multiscale tunability of solitary wave dynamics in tensegrity metamaterials, Applied Physics Letters, Volume 105, November 2014, Pages 201903, ISSN 0003-6951 , Published Conference Proceedings F. Fraternali, G. Carpentieri, R. Montuori, A. Amendola, G. Benzoni, On the use of mechanical metamaterials for innovative seismic isolation systems, COMPDYN 2015, 5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Crete Island, Greece, 25–27 May 2015. G. Carpentieri, M. Modano, F. Fabbrocino, R.E. Skelton, F. Fraternali, Optimal design and dynamics of tensegrity bridges, COMPDYN 2015, 5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Crete Island, Greece, 25–27 May 2015. Fraternali, F., Carpentieri, G., Skelton, R.E., Micheletti, A.. Architetture Tensegrity Innovative per Ponti di Massa Minima, in: The Italian Steel Days, Vol. 2, Chap. " Tensegrity, Tensile, Textile and Unconventional Structures", Collegio dei Tecnici dell’Acciaio (Ed.), La Stamperia Digitale srl, Napoli 890-897, 2013. ISBN: 978-88-905870-0-9. Fraternali, F., Esposito, A., Carpentieri, G., Petti, L., Scarano, V., Vicidomini, L., Andreoli, R., Erra, U., Cordasco, G., Malandrina, D., Negro, A. Interventi integrati di promozione, monitoraggio e modellazione strutturale di siti o manufatti di particolare pregio archeologico / architettonico. In: III Conference “Diagnosis, Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage”, 11-12/12/2013, Napoli. References Fernando Fraternali Department of Civil Engineering University of Salerno E-mail: Robert E. Skelton Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) University of California San Diego & Department of Aerospace Engineering of the Texas A&M University (TAMU), College Station E-mail: Chiara Daraio Graduate Aerospace Laboratories California Institute of Technology E-mail: & Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering ETH Zurich E-mail: |
Interests |
2013 – Member of the Engineering Society of Avellino (Section A)
Perfect knowledge of COMSOL, Rhino, Photoshop, AutoCAD, GeoStudio, LaTeX, Mathematica, MatLab, SAP2000. |